Tuesday, July 23, 2013

They're Not Lying, You're Just Assuming

David Jennings of Big Jolly Politics authored a blog post a couple of weeks ago titled, “Planned Parenthood Lies about Sen. John Carona, Tells Truth about Mixing Funds.” In his post, Jennings bashes on Democrats and accuses Planned Parenthood of lying; all telltale signs of Republicans being his target audience.
Jennings is quick to point the finger at Planned Parenthood for supposedly lying on a few ads they have been publishing on the web, but singles out one in particular. “The ad features Republican Sen. John Carona’s, R-Dallas, face alongside a woman’s and reads, “A Texas health center’s cancer screening could save her life. Closing the health center could further Sen. Carona’s political ambition. Act now before Friday’s vote.”
Then he proceeds to toss a few facts around including that “[the] abortion clinics, by law, are separate entities and must be separately funded from health centers where cancer screenings take place.” He includes a quote from Justine Sessions of Planned Parenthood in which she states that some health care clinics are in the same building as abortion clinics, and as a result could also be forced to shut down.
Jennings immediately chooses to use her quote as an admittance of guilt that they were in fact lying in their ads, and even goes on to accuse Planned Parenthood of “[mixing] their funds and [that] taxpayer money was used to support abortion.” However, I personally see no justification in accusing them of lying just because of that. There could be a laundry list of reasons for both clinics to be physically housed within the same building, and thus the collapse of one ultimately meaning the same for the other. It is absolutely ridiculous to assume that funds were being mixed, especially when he is the one to point out the fact that both clinics are separate entities by law and thus must be funded accordingly.

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